"Genuine", "Real" are words in the dictionary that describes Authenticity.
A friend and I were talking today about being our authentic selves. We agreed we were at a time in our life were being real and finding our passion was something that is a priority in our lives. It was wonderful meeting and connecting with a kindred spirit.
We were like two kids who found a playmate that wanted to play the same game.
We found joy in our conversation, empathy for each other and those like us.
Support for our ideas and desires, a realization that more is to be revealed.
Enthusiasm is so easy to spark when someone believes in you. Your ideas may be a fantasy, your funds limited, but YOU are you. Undeniably, unequivocally you. A perfectly imperfect human being with a seeds of joy, inspiration, creativity ready to bloom. Amazingly, a small green sprig appears, from its protective covering and bit by bit with TLC it blooms.
Someone believed you could, someone believed you would. Then you believed it too.
Many of us are like cactus, existing in a dry arid dessert without much nourishment yet still bloom beautifully.
Others need more, they are the ones who may have been damaged early in their life and therefore require a bit more care to grow.
So we become a nurturer or the nurtured, sometimes alternating roles with those that come and go in our lives.
We evolve from being survivors into our AUTHENTIC self.
We are no longer worried what people think of us, we know who we are, we believe in ourselves, we learn to re-parent our inner child in a supportive and generous way.
Life is good. We accept the bumps in the road knowing we will get past them.
We understand each day is unpredictable so we embrace the moments and people on our journey in the moment. We live life like each day is our last. We are sensible yet carefree, our life lessons help us to achieve and maintain balance.
Authenticity, is a gift we are given, embrace it.
Keep in mind there are many who don't like authenticity, they are threatened by it, and may try to destroy what they don't understand.
Stand steadfast, serve your dignity, live with integrity, honesty, compassion, be open to all the joyful possibilities that believing in yourself brings to you each day and always remain your authentic self.