My attention was captured by a yahoo post by Forbes for bargain retirement spots with affordable homes and great cities. Article at link below.
As I read the comments, many thought the writer was in La La land, regarding the places she thought affordable.
The comments reflected feelings of people across the country. Many were Floridians who were happy in FL and others wanting out. Some comments suggested "truly" affordable places.
Of course I added my 2 cents to the comments. Why, because I am frustrated.
I am insurance poor! I spend about $650+ a MONTH to pay for various insurances. Homeowners, flood, car and health insurance.
I have to work. Would I like to travel, visit family, get out of FL in the summer and return in the winter, HELL YES! Well its not happenin' Why, because I like having the security of knowing if something happens, I will be reimbursed.
Friends of mine don't carry insurance, they just depend on the government to meet thier needs. God bless, I may get to that place. In 2012 I can apply for medicare, I hope! With the changes in government one never knows what could happen.
So Mr Forbes, I am tired of being excluded from articles, tv shows, advertisements, that all decide what is affordable. I am not financially comfortable based on Forbes definition which is a portfolio of $500,000. Hmmmm, I am back to thinking buy a lottery ticket. :-)
Consider us, offer an article that encompasses not only those with adequate incomes, but those of us just getting by that would enjoy having other truly affordable options.
If you are reading this and have found your version of Shangra-la and feel it fits those with limited incomes, maybe includes some cultural opportunities, classes to take that discount or allow seniors to audit etc. Post it on my blog and the Forbes article too. Someone has to let people know that there are options for the growing baby boomer population that took a hit in the market or just didn't save enough to cover rising costs in their golden years. Now, if I had bought gold...this would be my golden years!
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