A friend many years ago told me to "always serve your dignity". She was referring to a job I had where the boss was abusive to me. When someone treated her disrespectfully she always walked. Even if finances were tenuous she walked. Shock and amazement were often my thoughts watching her make that decision. Funny thing, she always ended up on her feet and with usually something better.
I began to emulate her and found that God doesn't want me to be abused and he will provide something else IF I trust Him.
Now I am older, more scared, less flighty and worry more about finances and finding a job. When you are middle-aged and a bit over weight it is not easy finding employment. Especially with jobs so scarce. So as my one girlfriend always says, "suck it up and just do it" I tried my best.
This last weekend I lost it, and reported my boss to the ethical hotline for our corporation. She admitted she was nitpicking me and going to continue to nit pick at me becasue I was nit picking at the hours. What she defined as nitpicking, I defined as standing up for myself and not being taken advantage of.
Our hours were 11-5:45 with 2 ten minute breaks and half hour for lunch.
She made it impossible for us to take our morning break,and then wanted us to stay late cleaning up without getting paid. She has had many people call and complain about her tactics.
This weekend I left a minute early, (of course the fact I come in ten minutes early and start to work didn't count) I said to her when she confronted me,I was tired of her nitpicking. Her response was I am going to nitpick you because you nitpick about hours. I responded "so this is retaliation?" She denied it. "What is it?" I asked. She didnt answer. A few more words were exchanged and she said she was writing me up and I told her I was writing her up too. I did.
We have an ethics report line at work. I don't know if anything will come of it. I have no hours scheduled and will lose income if she doesn't put me on the calendar to work. However I served my dignity and have my integrity.
The next day I sent out three resumes. I have been trying to get a job since she railroaded my old boss out of her job. I usually don't even get a call back. Yesterday I got two calls and I have an interview the end of the week.
I smiled, as I thought, when I am willing to let go and serve my dignity, good things happen.
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