The Creative Me

Fall In Virginia

Fall In Virginia
Visiting Virginia in the fall and the colors so vibrant. I need to leave Florida more often!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Cure for Cancer Existed early 1900’s (documented)

 I found this video on YouTube and it is so amazing and disheartening all at the same time. 
Please share this with others my hope is that somehow in someway (but I doubt it because the pharmaceutical industry is so powerful) that this could be reinvented.  
We are living in a world driven by greed and power.  Sadly greed and power are more important than human life. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

George Floyds Death

I watched the news in disbelief as I saw this cop unwilling to believe the perpetrators cries for help.
I was shocked, stunned, sad and angry that no one stepped up or interfered to stop this travesty of injustice.
Lately we are being bombarded by angry prejudice people looking to blame minority groups for their current sufferings. Blacks are not alone in the attacks.
I listened to Mayor Jacob Frey call it what it was on the news Murder! I admired him not pulling any punches or trying to cover up what happened. Also admitting if the man was white it might not have gone down the same way.
THEN this morning on the news I watched the protesters and the looters!!! Breaking windows, robbing the stores, setting fires and I said to myself they might as well be tried for George Floyds death too.
These actions are what cause people and police to react to blacks. 
You react to people being racist,  yet you do things to create it.  I looked at the video and there were many people stealing and breaking windows it appeared to not be all black residents.
HOWEVER, when you allow stuff like this to happen in your community, you create a reputation and perception of your culture and you make people angry and in turn they blame and judge those that are black and committing crimes.
I watched people taking stuff out of the target store and I thought they are using this man’s death as an excuse to steal and loot and then they express outrage at his death while disrespecting George by their actions.
You want your voices heard? Then write letters, protest peaceably, don't be a target for hate mongers by looting your town.
I hope you can make amends to the community for your behavior and I hope the news will run that story as well.
Life is not fair, some days it really sucks, I wonder how did we get here? Why can’t we just accept and be kind to each other? Yes, I am a white Pollyanna, I have no idea what it’s like to walk in your shoes.
I do see discrimination and it makes me angry but sometimes the person being discriminated against has to ask themselves have I done anything to create this? Have I been unkind? Do I have an attitude, a chip on my shoulder? Do I not give someone a chance to be kind? Am I expecting discrimination before I even walk in the door?
Bottom line, prejudice is real, it is going to happen, each of us has a responsibility to respect others, many can’t do that, they were fed a diet of hate all their lives and it’s all they know.

I had a black friend in NY and she took a drive with me to pick up my son at my ex-husbands house. When we got back in the car she said "Is your ex prejudice?" My first reaction was” OMG did he say anything to offend you?" Her response, "No but if looks could kill I’d be dead and buried."  We laughed about it but I felt so bad for her and would have never put her in that position intentionally. I apologized for him all the way home.
Yes, he was prejudice, against everyone, he didn’t discriminate. If you were German you were a Nazi, if Polish, stupid, and the Jewish people were probably worse than blacks in his mind. Where did this hate come from I have no idea? It’s one of the reasons we divorced I could no longer live with the hate for everyone and everything around him. I was his victim as well.
My apologies,  I digressed, why I wrote this was about the looting and setting fires and wanted to ask the looters can you see that you have some responsibility in this man’s death by your actions? Your stealing, your entitlement attitude that people owe you and if they don’t do what you demand you use it as an excuse to loot, steal and burn innocent businesses as an act of revenge?  REALLY??
I think the cop was wrong, he murdered poor George, but I am asking you where does their anger and distrust come from? What is your part in the perception of trust for the black community?

Maybe a family member has been killed without cause? WE don’t know their history that creates actions like this cop took.  I am not defending him, this was wrong.  
But the community robbed George Floyd of focusing on the cop, you were a distraction and also a reason to question motives. You were wrong for looting stores and starting fires.
 I hope with all my heart, you can accept responsibility for your part in this terrible travesty of injustice and somehow make amends to your heartbroken community.