The Creative Me

Fall In Virginia

Fall In Virginia
Visiting Virginia in the fall and the colors so vibrant. I need to leave Florida more often!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

When There Is No Work

I work part time for a company that depends on manufacturers to order events for their products to be demonstrated in a store. Normally I work three days a week, which is not quite enough to meet my needs, but helps pay the bills. However, this week twice the mfg cancelled the event.
First thought, financial insecurity (negative thought)  pops into my mind immediately, The second thought (positive one) how can I use this time constructively?
Clean the house? Clean the garage? Clean my office room (really needs it) or go back to bed and stop shivering?
I live in FL and it is COLD outside. I sit here in my sweat pants and sweat shirt thinking of all the things I could do. If ONLY it was warm outside. Somehow cold weather freezes my thought process and all I can think of is turning on the oven to bake (warmth) and making a nice hot soup to warm my innards.
I told my good friend of my lack of initiative, she is one of those people that doesnt stop from the time she gets up till she gets into bed at midnight. :-) She says to me "just do it" dont think about it, just do it! I can tell she is frustrated with me.
Today I hear her words, as I think what should I do? I am a thinker, not a good doer! Now I am thinking, I should have named the blog  "the just do it" site! So now I am thinking is thier a just do it site? So of course I have to Google the name and yes there is and  it belongs to Nike. Another 5 minutes of my day wasted.
This is how my days go when I am not working. One thought leads to another, I follow that thought which leads to another and before you know it the day is gone.  :-) In my defense, when it is good weather outside and the windows are open, the breezes blowing, I am busy doing, going and accomplishing. When its cold, I am useless.
So I need to stop typing and attempt to accomplish something on my TO DO list (a long one)! 
I wish you all a great day. If you are having a brain freeze, put on a hat, look at your list of things to do and pick one, then tell yourself. JUST DO IT!!
Maybe tomorrow I will share with you if I was able to walk my talk.

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